Welcome to the Benzo Warrior website. The purpose of this website is to provide information about Benzodiazepines, side effects, dependence, withdrawal and recovery.
We also provide loving support to those in the withdrawal process in our private Benzo Warrior Community on Facebook.
Benzodiazepines may be associated with serious side effects, tolerance, iatrogenic dependency, addiction, severe withdrawal symptoms and a protracted withdrawal syndrome.
Medical Definition of Iatrogenic: “Due to the activity of a physician or therapy. For example, an iatrogenic illness is an illness that is caused by a medication or physician.”
According to W-BAD, it is estimated that 50-80% of those who have used benzos for even just a few months continuously will experience withdrawal symptoms when reducing their medication dose. A smaller percentage of users may have a more severe withdrawal lasting some years (about 10-15% of users it is estimated according to the Wikipedia).
If you have been prescribed Benzodiazepines (or Z drugs) you are in the right place for knowledge, support and resources to help you (and your loved ones) on your journey of recovery.
We will also be telling the stories of Benzo Warriors all around the globe.
Mission Statement:
Benzo Warrior aims to raise awareness and provide information about Benzodiazepines, side effects, iatrogenic dependence, withdrawal and recovery.
We provide loving and healthy support to Benzo Warriors from around the world as they take charge of their health and withdraw from these medications.
We focus on the development and practice of healthy coping skills to assist you on this journey.
our Values:
Integrity - we value honesty and ethical behavior which form the basis of healthy relationships based on trust.
Compassion - we value the ability to appreciate each others' perspectives or situations when they are different from our own; and to show genuine concern about another persons needs.
Support - we value the time, effort and love that is required to support one another.
Healing - we believe in the body’s innate ability to heal from injury and trauma.
Recovery - we value the process of returning to a state of natural wellness with a happy and healthy mind and body.
How do these medications work?
If you or your loved one’s are withdrawing from Benzodiazepines, you will need support.